Sunday, February 20, 2011

Because of you @ Kerana engkau

A fisherman went for fishing at Danau Toba and after a few hours, he returned home and said to his children: ' Oh My children, because of my expensive fishing gear I've successfully caught a bucket of fish.Thank you my loveky fishing gear, Muah! I'm proud of you'

Friday, February 18, 2011


1. Sesiapa yang berwuduk saat ingin tidur dan meminta supaya ALLAH berikan kebaikan dunia dan akhirat pasti akan di kabulkan – Tirmizi. Sunat tidur dalam keadaan berwuduk.
2. Sesiapa yang berselawat tidak kiralah banyak mana hitunganya setiap hari akan dapat keberkatandalam apa jua dengan syarat ia berusaha mencari keredhaanNya.
3. Sesiapa yang berselawat 41 kali sehari, insyaALLAH, akan dihindarkan daripada sifat tercela seperti hasad dengki, riak dsbnya dalam dirinya.
4. Berselawat 33 kali sehari dapat menjernihkan hati, mudah memahami akan sesuatu ilmu yang diajarkan, di samping beroleh ketenangan fikiran.
5. ALLAH akan hapuskan dosa-dosa kecil dengan kita mengamalkan berselawat sebanyak 11 kali tiap kali selesai menunaikan solat fardu.
6. Sewaktu menghadapi hidangan, Nabi membiasakan diri dengan mengambil makanan yang terdekat, kemudian baru di ambil hidangan yang lainnya sebagai simbolik kesopanan.
7. Amalkan membaca selawat sebanyak 1000 kali sehari, insyaALLAH akandi kurniakan kebijaksanaan pemikiran. Di samping itu berusahalah untuk menerokai pelbagai ilmu.
8. Sesiapa yang berniat mandi(untuk solat jumaat) kemudian pakai pakaian terbaik & wangian lalu solat jumaat, dosanya akan diampun hingga jumaat berikutnya-Ahmad.
9. Sesiapa yang mengamalkan berselawat 11 kali tiap hari, dengan izin ALLAH dirinya akan lebih dihargai oleh orang lain.
10. Uthman bin Affan riwayatkan bahawa Nabi SAW apabila berwuduk, beliau membasahi janggutnya-Tirmizi
11. Nabi tidak pernah mencela makanan. Jika baginda suka, dia makan dan sebaliknya beliau tinggalkan-Bukhari. Apatah lagi jika makanan itu pemberian orang lain.
12. Sahabat meriwayatkan: Aku lihat Nabi SAW makandengan 3 jari(ibu jari telunjuk & tengah)-Muslim. Jarang sekali beliau makan dengan 4 @ 5 jari kecuali ada keperluan
13. Menurut Sayyid Ahmad dahlan, sesiapa berselawat walau sekali pada malam jumaat, saat mautnya kelak akan dipermudahkan ALLAH seperti yang dihadapi oleh para nabi
14. Setiap penyakit ada penawarnya. Bacalah selawat tujuh kali pada air dan minum. InsyaALLAH, perut yang sakit atau memulas akan sembuh
15. Perbaharui wuduk tiap kali bersolat kerana padanya terdapat banyak fadhilat. Hadith: Sesiapa yang berwuduk dalam keadaan suci, ALLAH catatkan 10 kebaikan baginya-Abu Dawud.
16. Sesiapa yang mengamalkan membaca selawat tiga kali setiap selepas solat lima waktu akan dihilangkan kebuntuan fikiran dalam menghadapi apa jua masalah
17. Nabi SAW sering menghadap kekanan sedikit setelah solat berjemaah supaya makmum dapat melihat wajahnya. Sebaiknya imam berzikir dan doa seketika bersama makmum
18. Allah akan hapuskan dosa-dosa kecil dengan kita mengamalkan beselawat sebanyak 11 kali tiap kali selesai menunaikan solat fardu
19. Nabi tak makan sambil bersandar-Bukhari. Ertinya, baginda makan dengan duduk condong sedikit ke hadapan bagi elakkan dirinya terlalu kenyang & mudahkan penghadaman
20. Menurut Syihab Ahmad, sesiapa berselawat tiga kali tiap selesai solat subuh, Maghrib dan Isyak, ALLAH akan menghindarkannya daripada sebarang bencana
21. Nabi sering beristinsyaq air kedalam hidung dan menghembuskannya. Selain membersihkan, ia juga mengelakkan sebarang penyakit yang berkaitan dengan hidung
22. Setelah bersolat Nabi memohon ampun ( astagfirullahalaziim) tiga kali-Muslim. Dalam riwayat yang lain, Nabi adakalanya beristighfar 75 kali sehari
23. Sesiapa yang amalkan berselawat sebanyak 1000 kali tiap hari, ALLAH akan memeliharanya daripada sebarang ancaman musuh serta bahaya fitnah
24. Apabila Nabi tidur, ia dahulukan mengiring sebelah kanan – Bukhari. Dari segi kesihatan, cara berkenaan baik untuk jantung (yang berada di kiri badan) mengepam darah
25. Amalan berselawat secara teratur setiap hari mampu membersihkan kekeruhan jiwa, dipermudahkan ALLAH segala urusan dan mendapat keampunan daripadaNYA
26. Tika Nabi tidur, ia membaca surah Al-Ikhlas,Al-Falaq dan An-Naas lalu meniup telapak tangan serta menyapu keseluruh tubuh)mohon perlindunganNYA) – Bukhari
27. Membaca selawat 10 kali pada setiap waktu pagi dan petang akan memperolehi keredhaan serta dijauhkan diri daripada mendapat kemurkaan ALLAH
28. Wuduk dahulu jika ingin tidur sekalipun dalam keadaan junub. Nabi menyarankan, cukup dengan bersihkan kemaluan dan berwuduk tanpa perlu mandi wajib jika ingin tidur
29. Munurut As-Shawi, sesiapa yang membaca selawat secara rutin, akan terpelihara hatinya daripada gangguan serta tipudaya syaitan yang melalaikan
30. Silangkan kaki jika tidur di masjid. Hadith: Sahabat melihat Nabi berbaring di masjid dengan satu kakinya atas kaki yang lain (kerana bimbang terdedah aurat) – Bukhari
31. Sesiapa yang membaca selawat sebanyak tujuh kali selama tujuh Jumaat berturut-turut, ia bakal mendapat syafaat (pertolongan) daripada baginda SAW
32. Adakalanya Nabi SAW amat menyukai doa-doa yang ringkas (mudah) – Abu dawud. Baginda mementingkan kualiti doa itu sendiri dengan sedikit tetapi maknanya yang menyeluruh
33. Menurut Al-Hafiz Dimyati, sesiapa yang berhajat menemui Nabi SAW dalam mimpinya maka amalkan membaca selawat sebanyak 70 kali sehari
34. Setelah bersolat Nabi SAW mohon ampun (astagfirullahalaziim) tiga kali – Muslim. Dalam riwayat yang lain, Nabi adakalanya beristighfar 75 kali sehari

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Maulidurrasul or Birthday of Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon Him, Is it a day for rememberance?

First and foremost, I'm not an expert to comment on the topic, thus this is just my opinion and should not be used as reference. Any problem in regards to the topic, please kindly refer and ask any recognized Muslim scholars.

I start with the name of Almighty Allah and Allahummashollia'la Muhammad wa a'la alihi washohbihi wasallim and Oh Allah, all praises are upon Muhammad, his family and companions.

I grew up in a small town in Red Giant state called Sg. Big, which has sufficient facilities to supply for a few hundreds family in the surrounding area. It has a main mosque call Masjid Makmuriah and other small musolla or praying house in every small villages nearby. Sounds religious town isn't it? Yeah, the majority nearly 99% of the population is Malay and they all Muslim. Like in the book titled The Travels of Marco Polo said, if he managed to pass through my town, he surely will said " All the villagers are idolaters, they worship Mahomet(Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him)".I'm positive he will said so.

What is so special about Muhammad Peace be Upon Him? When I was 7, my parents bought a book titled Collection of Selawat of Muhammad Peace be Upon Him. Roughly the book contains 99 Selawat and their benefits to the life here and hereafter. After spending a few hours reading the book, I concluded and decided to at least recite a selawat a day, because by reciting once, Allah will do selawat upon us 10 times, by giving forgiving our sins, increases our good deeds and at least put us among people who love to praise His beloved prophet Muhammad Peacebe upon him. I as a stubborn boy at that time, knew that my ustazah at primary school always said a person who has committed a sin must repent, if not he will be burnt in the hellfire before being put into the paradise.

I will put the a story of hell and paradise in the future InsyaAllah. What do you think a cute little boy but stubborn and handsome like me will think? You don't know right unless I tell you but you can make an intelligent assumption like my lecturer always said.

If you do a committed a sin, you will be given bad deed but nothing given if it just an intention to do bad things. However if you performed a good things, you will be rewarded 10 good deeds. Mathematically, 10 good deeds minus 1 bad deed is equivalent to 9 good deeds, if 1 good deed neutralizes 1 bad deed. So, as a stubborn and a bit naugthy boy, I thought the rewards by reciting a Selawat is far too generous, and not included other type of Selawat which has hundreds to thousands good deeds given per recitation. This is definitely infinite generousity which of course it is from Allah Almighty, the King of the King.

Oh, I come back to my question in previous paragraph, as I remember(correct me if I'm wrong) when the first human, Prophet Adam 'Alaihissalam ate a forbidden fruit in the paradise, he was punished by Allah and was kicked out from the heaven to the earth. Everyday, he pray to Allah for forgiveness, but Allah ignored but oneday, which was 40 years later, suddenly by the permission of Allah, an idea just clicked in Adam's mind and he pray 'Oh Allah, forgive my sin by the blessing of Muhammad Peace be Upon Him'. Immediately, Allah granted his prayer and the sin was forgiven. Allah asked Adam, ' How do you know about Muhammad peace be Upon Him?'. Adam
answered ' I just remembered while I was walking in heaven, I saw Muhammad's name was located side by side with your name. So, I thought he must be special'. Allah replied: 'Muhammad is the last prophet from your descendent'.

Why Muhammad so special? As I remember, when Muhammad Peace be Upon Him was ordered to see Allah for determination of 5 praying times, he used a Buraq, heavenly flying horse to reached the highest layer of the sky. The Buraq itself was chosen thousand years before the birth of Muhammad Peace be Upon Him. As according to Muslim scholars, when Muhammad Peace be upon Him see Allah at that night of Isra' Mikraj, he entered the Arash of Allah with his daily shoes. My meaning of daily shoes is the shoes he use everyday. My point about the shoes is, We as normal(if you are normal) human being, when attending special occasion with so many protocols especially royal function, we ususally use special shoes, not our daily shoes. In the case of daily shoes belonged to Muhammad Peace be Upon Him, his shoes has the sweat and smell of Muhammad Peace be Upon Him' s foot(as we know all the excess or secretion came out from Muhammad Peace be Upon Him, are noble) and futhermore at that time he already made dakwah, asking the Arabs to worship none but the Almighty Allah only. Thus this made he himself who is already known as not just the Messenger and lover of Allah just noble, but even higher rank of noble class than that.Therefore his shoes is noble and can enter the 'Arash of Allah. Not our shoes you know. When the body Muhammad Peace be Upon Him bled,his companions will quickly rush to eat the blood as whose body contains the blood of Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon Him will not be touched by the hellfire. When Muhammad Peace be upon Him performing an ablution prior to prayer, his ablution water which of course contains his sweat will be drank by his companions. There were so many stories about these. Please ask Muslim scholars.

Are you so special until the people around you will be competing to drink your sweat? Tell me if you got one today.

Have you ever heard saying about whoever practices the sunnah or daily practices of Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon Him will rewarded a good deed as equal to syahid, who died in path of Allah or in another saying it is equal to 100 good deeds of the syahid, in which a syahid, will be enter the paradise easily without judgement?

So, from now onwards, I ask myself to recorrect whatever should be corrected in regards to the practices of the Sunnah, then I called Maulidurrasul celebration.

P/S: Dear English obsessed people, I'm sorry 4 my poor English..


Kedai ni buka seawal pukul 7.00pagi setiap hari. Boleh beli ini & itu..mcm2 ada..Kedai bawah ni pula buka selewat kul 8:00pagi...Juga macam2 ada di kedai ni.

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Monday, February 7, 2011

Chili oh Cili !!!

'Membesar dengan cili', Itulah yang mampu aku katakan. Dari kecil masa dok dgn Tok&Tokwan, makcik @Mak Uda selalu buat cermai 

bersama sambal cili padi dgn lesung batu, untuk dimakan begitu saja. Rasa masam-manis-pedas, itulah gabungan rasa yang sedap.Kadang-kadang makan mempelam muda

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cellphones/Handphones bad to health???

Few years back in 1999,about 12 years ago, I still remember fresh in my mind, my humble, funny and down to earth physics teacher taught me about wave. He asked my class, what is wave? Then students had given a few answers, and then silence for few minutes. He broke the silence by saying ' All of you answers are almost correct', and he continued by saying actually wave is disturbance, then he repeated twice and he laughed. I was wandering what was so funny about wave.
Then I asked my classmate about his personal life history. My friend said my physics teacher was a brilliant and genius student who got scholared by government to study abroad in England in 1970s. He studied there until Phd(Physics) if I'm not mistaken but didn't finish it. Why? As according to my friend, while my teacher doing Phd, he was no more a practicing muslim. He almost become an atheist and overwhelmed by his studies. Oneday, a tabligh (Muslim preacher) guy came to him and asked him to go to the path of Allah. Started from that moment he realized he had deviated away from the Islam and later he decided to quit the Phd and returned to Malaysia with his Master qualification only . The reason why he gave up his Phd is remained his . Later I concluded that the reason of his laugh was related to his life as student. He taught us about the danger of wave used by handphone  back then, in which handphone was not popular and rarely seen used by people, and it was famous in 2000/01, about  1-2 years later when NOKIA 3310 hits the technolgy market. He said the wave used in handphone is almost similar to the wave used in microwave, thus our brain slowly will be cooked. Then he laughed again. We also laughed.

News 1

New Delhi, Feb 3: There have been numerous rhetoric doing the rounds on the ill-effects of mobile radiation for a while. The results are out and they are not pleasing at all. It has been found that radiation from mobile towers pose grave health risks including memory loss, lack of concentration and digestive disturbances. The fact was revealed by an Inter-ministerial committee formed by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology to study the hazards posed by mobile phones.

If the damages are not lethal for humans, its even worse for birds and insects as well. The committee has attributed the radiation effects to the disappearance of butterflies, bees, insects and sparrows.