Showing posts with label Semasa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Semasa. Show all posts

Friday, March 29, 2013

Dragon Fruit atau Buah Naga : The superfruit of 2013

Do you know doctors in Taiwan urge diabetic patients to eat this cactus fruit to regulate their blood sugar level?

Do you know the fruit is also known as Queen of fruit and voted as superfruit in 2013, in which put this fruit at the highest rank,defeating  other superfruit such as acai berries and pomegranates?

Below are some Infos copied from internet for my own future reference...:)

Dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus), a tropical fruit popular in Southeast Asia, belongs to the climbing cacti (Cactaceae) family. Vietnam is the main commercial producer of dragon fruits in this region. The fruit, apart from being refreshing and tasty, has loads of vitamin C and is said to aid digestion.

Origin and distributionThe fruit is native to Central America. It is known as Pitahaya in Mexico and as Pitaya roja in Central America and northern South America. Pitahaya is the Spanish name for fruiting vines of Central America. The fruit was introduced in Vietnam by the French over a hundred years ago. According to some, the French took the fruit from Nicaragua and Colombia while others said they brought it from Guyana (South America) in 1870 as an ornamental plant. For its large attractive flowers which bloom only at night, the flamboyant plant is also known as "moonflower" or "lady of the night".

When the Vietnamese discovered the plant's tasty fruit, they cultivated it for food, just as the Mexicans did. The Vietnamese now regard this fruit as indigenous, especially the white flesh variety, Hylocereus undatus, or called Blue Dragon or thanh long by the Vietnamese Only of late was the fruit grown in Vietnam on a large-scale as a commercial crop. As one of Vietnam's most profitable crops, it is exported to markets all over the Southeast Asia. The commercialisation of the crop is also catching up in Thailand, New Zealand, Australia and Hawaii.

The plant gets its genus name Hylocerus from the word cerus derived from the Latin word cera, meaning "wax" or "torch-like".

The plant is a climbing cactus vine that grows well in dry areas. Because of its epiphytic nature, it grows best in soil with a high level of organic materials. The flowers are white and large, measuring 30 cm long or more. They are ornate and produce a sweet fragrance when in bloom. The flowers bloom for one night only. Pitahaya plants can have between four to six fruiting cycles in one year. It can be propagated by seed or by stem cuttings.

The dragon fruit has a dramatic appearance, bright pink or yellow skinned (from Columbia) with green coloured spine-like scales. The scales turn yellow as the fruit ripens while the skin peels easily. The fruit is oval shaped, elliptical or pear-shaped. Inside, the flesh has subtly flavoured sweet taste or sometimes slightly sourish. The flesh is either white or red with black seeds dotted all over. The seeds resemble sesame seeds and taste like cactus seeds. It imparts a crunchy texture. Dragon fruits are also called cactus fruits. They are closely related to the orchid cacti or epiphyllum. Epiphyllums are known for their large and impressive flowers. The pitahaya can be cross pollinated with the epiphyllums.

Usage and potential
The fruit is popularly eaten raw and tastes better chilled. It is also served as a juice. The flesh is sweet and sometimes served with mango in a tropical sorbet. The fruit is also used to flavour drinks while syrup made of the whole fruit is used to colour pastries and candy.
The pulp of the fruit is used in producing an alcoholic beverage. The fruit makes a wonderful cocktail on its own or mixed with other tropical fruits. It is sometimes used in cooking. Unopened flowerbuds can be cooked like vegetables.

Dragon fruits reputedly improve eyesight and prevent hypertension. The seeds of the fruit supposed help in controlling blood glucose levels in people with non-insulin-dependent hyperglycaemic conditions (a kind of diabetes). It is also used to treat stomach and endocrine problems.

Other uses

The plant is popularly planted as a climber to cover chainlink fencing. Parts of the pitahaya plant can be used to produce food colour.

Variant names
Common name: Dragon Fruit or Dragon Pearl Fruit.
Scientific name: Hylocereus undatus, or its synonym, Cereus triangularis.
Malay name: Kaktus madu.
Chinese name: Long guo (Mandarin).
Vietnamese name: Thanh long.
Other common names: Pitahaya, Strawberry Pear, Cactus fruit, Night blooming Cereus, Belle of the Night, Cinderella plant.

Hylocereus polyrhizus (Red-fleshed pitahaya) Hylocereus undatus (White-fleshed pitahaya)
Myristic acid 0.2% 0.3%
Palmitic acid 17.9% 17.1%
Stearic acid 5.49% 4.37%
Palmitoleic acid 0.91% 0.61%
Oleic acid 21.6% 23.8%
Cis-vaccenic acid 3.14% 2.81%
Linoleic acid 49.6% 50.1%
Linolenic acid 1.21% 0.98%


Summary for Nutritional & Health Benefits of Red Dragon Fruit (100 g)*
Nutritional Value*
Nutritional & Health Benefits*
50 Cal
Provide good source of energy
1.48 g
Provide good source of energy
0.16 g
Enhances the body’s metabolism
0.23 g
Provide good source of energy
Crude Fiber
10.1 g
Enhances digestion in our bodies & helps in weight lost
5.7 mg
Reinforces bones and aid in formation of healthy teeth
28 mg
Helps in transmission of nerve impulses, body temperature regulation, detoxification, energy production and the formation of health bones and teeth
57 mg
Helps to regulate blood pressure and heart function
14.35 mg
Helps keep the body healthy and protect against harmful damage caused by free radicals
Retinol (Vit A)
120 µg
Provides detoxification to your body, skin health and improve night vision
Thiamine (Vit B1)
48.9 µg
Assists in production of energy as well as metabolizing carbohydrates
Riboflavin (Vit B2)
40.8 µg
To recover and improve loss appetite
Niacin (Vit B3)
0.5 mg
Lowers bad cholesterol level, detoxification and enhances the appearance of the skin by moisturizing and smoothening the skin
Ascorbic Acid
(Vit C)
500.0 mg
Ensures bruises and cuts heal faster and improves the general immune system of the bodies
Vitamin E
106 µg
Acts as a powerful antioxidant by neutralizing free radicals in the body that cause tissue and cellular damage. It also provides healthy circulatory system to our body and aids in proper blood clotting and improves wound healing.
Cobalamin (Vit B12)
16 µg
Helps to maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells and is needed to make DNA.
23.0 mg
Aids in tissue formation
3.4 mg
Provides your body with energy
14 mg
Helps fight infection, improves brain function, helps to control your appetite and improves your immune system
31 µg
Reduces tissue damage caused by free radicals and provides bone and tissue health. Keeps thyroid gland functioning normal
21 µg
Enhances immune system function, prevents cancer and helps to reduce water retention
The red pigments in dragon fruit contain powerful flavanoid antioxidants which, it is believed, may help to prevent cancer and inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, diabetes and gout, although research has just begun to support the health claims.

Summary of Flavanoids Content of Red Dragon Fruit (100 g) and benefits.#
Type of Flavanoid#
Amount (μg)#
This compound has been associated with reducing the risk of heart disease
This compound may reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer by 23%
It is an antioxidant that is capable of eliminating cancer causing free radicals within the body.
It may be able to lower high cholesterol levels
It may reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men
It may help to relieve allergic symptoms and asthma symptoms
The anti-inflammatory properties may help to reduce pain from arthritis.
It may help to reduce fatigue, depression and anxiety.
It has potential to reduce the risk of cancer due to its anti-tumor activity.
It also could potentially be used in allergy conditions due to its anti-inflammatory properties
It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties
It has strong antioxidant properties.
It strengthens capillaries and can help to stop venous edema which is an early sign of chronic venous disease of the leg
It has anti-inflammatory effects.
It may inhibit some cancerous and pre-cancerous conditions

Reduce Cholesterol
The high levels of soluble and insoluble fibre, which enhances digestion, speeds transit through the bowels and reduces dietary cholesterol are also beneficial. Reports from a clinical trial in which persons with elevated cholesterol saw a remarkable reduction in total cholesterol over a five week period during which Red Dragon Fruit was consumed daily{The seeds of dragonfruits are high in polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids) that reduce triglycerides and lower the risk of cardiovascular disorder}

Comparison with other Studies in Tropical Fruit Intake on the Effects of Tropical Fruits on Human Lipid Profile
Tropical Fruits Changes in Lipid Profile (%)
Total Cholesterol LDL Cholesterol HDL Cholesterol Triglyceride
Star Fruit
Red Dragon Fruit
8.19 ↓
1.62 ↓
7.85 ↓
3.9 ↓
8.38 ↓
13.3 ↓
9.55 ↓
2.31 ↓
5.09 ↓
0.60 ↓
11.40 ↓
5.94 ↓
No change
0.75 ↑
1.10 ↓
10.65 ↓
14.80 ↑
10.00 ↑
0.92 ↑
16.93 ↓
15.90 ↑
9.74 ↓
23.52 ↓

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Buang...Saintis Melayu yang hilang


Hari saya lihat dokumentari pendek tentang Buang: The Lost Malay Scientist.

 Buang bin Mohammed Ali, bukan sahaja pembantu kepada scientist terkenal Alfred Wallace,pengarang The Malay Archipellago, malah dia sendiri adalah scientist

My first impresssion..Subhanallah!  Ni cerita baru ni... sungguh ketinggalan zaman aku ni.. Video pendek selama 6 minit ini  di kongsikan di Vimeo dan internet , oleh seorang artist, Isabelle Desjeux . Ini videonya :

Link asal di sini ;
Credit sepenuh untuk   Isabelle Desjeux.
Gambar adalah credit kepada  Isabelle Desjeux.

Jangan lupa luangkan masa membaca the Malay Archipellago versi Inggeris secara percuma ini. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Kesian Singa kena bola salji..

Gambar dari sebuah zoo di Bandar Hangzhou...

Kalau Singa tu terlepas abis la korang!...

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Dried leaves of Autumn

I was doing some laundry stuffs and accidently snapped this picture. There are lots and lots of thousand dried leaves here at my backyard. When the contract garderner will come? Oh leaves, you are dead!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Home made pizza...

When talk about home made pizza, it's all home made from the scratch including the meat balls..
Thanks a lot to my wife & myself...Enjoy!

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Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Sekali baca slogan 'Allah Maha Berkuasa',dengan bersahaja kita menjawab betullah tu Allah memang maha berkuasa. memang tak leh dipertikai lagi. Tul tak? Adakah ini sekadar keluar dari mulut kita atau ianya benar-benar keluar dari lubuk hati sanubari kita, yang akhirnya vocal cord & mind agreed to confess and recognize Allah the most powerful and Allah has the supreme power. Mari kita & let us muhasabah & correct diri kita balik. Renung sejenak, take 5 kata orang Banjar untuk memikirkan tentang perkara ni.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Because of you @ Kerana engkau

A fisherman went for fishing at Danau Toba and after a few hours, he returned home and said to his children: ' Oh My children, because of my expensive fishing gear I've successfully caught a bucket of fish.Thank you my loveky fishing gear, Muah! I'm proud of you'

Friday, February 18, 2011


1. Sesiapa yang berwuduk saat ingin tidur dan meminta supaya ALLAH berikan kebaikan dunia dan akhirat pasti akan di kabulkan – Tirmizi. Sunat tidur dalam keadaan berwuduk.
2. Sesiapa yang berselawat tidak kiralah banyak mana hitunganya setiap hari akan dapat keberkatandalam apa jua dengan syarat ia berusaha mencari keredhaanNya.
3. Sesiapa yang berselawat 41 kali sehari, insyaALLAH, akan dihindarkan daripada sifat tercela seperti hasad dengki, riak dsbnya dalam dirinya.
4. Berselawat 33 kali sehari dapat menjernihkan hati, mudah memahami akan sesuatu ilmu yang diajarkan, di samping beroleh ketenangan fikiran.
5. ALLAH akan hapuskan dosa-dosa kecil dengan kita mengamalkan berselawat sebanyak 11 kali tiap kali selesai menunaikan solat fardu.
6. Sewaktu menghadapi hidangan, Nabi membiasakan diri dengan mengambil makanan yang terdekat, kemudian baru di ambil hidangan yang lainnya sebagai simbolik kesopanan.
7. Amalkan membaca selawat sebanyak 1000 kali sehari, insyaALLAH akandi kurniakan kebijaksanaan pemikiran. Di samping itu berusahalah untuk menerokai pelbagai ilmu.
8. Sesiapa yang berniat mandi(untuk solat jumaat) kemudian pakai pakaian terbaik & wangian lalu solat jumaat, dosanya akan diampun hingga jumaat berikutnya-Ahmad.
9. Sesiapa yang mengamalkan berselawat 11 kali tiap hari, dengan izin ALLAH dirinya akan lebih dihargai oleh orang lain.
10. Uthman bin Affan riwayatkan bahawa Nabi SAW apabila berwuduk, beliau membasahi janggutnya-Tirmizi
11. Nabi tidak pernah mencela makanan. Jika baginda suka, dia makan dan sebaliknya beliau tinggalkan-Bukhari. Apatah lagi jika makanan itu pemberian orang lain.
12. Sahabat meriwayatkan: Aku lihat Nabi SAW makandengan 3 jari(ibu jari telunjuk & tengah)-Muslim. Jarang sekali beliau makan dengan 4 @ 5 jari kecuali ada keperluan
13. Menurut Sayyid Ahmad dahlan, sesiapa berselawat walau sekali pada malam jumaat, saat mautnya kelak akan dipermudahkan ALLAH seperti yang dihadapi oleh para nabi
14. Setiap penyakit ada penawarnya. Bacalah selawat tujuh kali pada air dan minum. InsyaALLAH, perut yang sakit atau memulas akan sembuh
15. Perbaharui wuduk tiap kali bersolat kerana padanya terdapat banyak fadhilat. Hadith: Sesiapa yang berwuduk dalam keadaan suci, ALLAH catatkan 10 kebaikan baginya-Abu Dawud.
16. Sesiapa yang mengamalkan membaca selawat tiga kali setiap selepas solat lima waktu akan dihilangkan kebuntuan fikiran dalam menghadapi apa jua masalah
17. Nabi SAW sering menghadap kekanan sedikit setelah solat berjemaah supaya makmum dapat melihat wajahnya. Sebaiknya imam berzikir dan doa seketika bersama makmum
18. Allah akan hapuskan dosa-dosa kecil dengan kita mengamalkan beselawat sebanyak 11 kali tiap kali selesai menunaikan solat fardu
19. Nabi tak makan sambil bersandar-Bukhari. Ertinya, baginda makan dengan duduk condong sedikit ke hadapan bagi elakkan dirinya terlalu kenyang & mudahkan penghadaman
20. Menurut Syihab Ahmad, sesiapa berselawat tiga kali tiap selesai solat subuh, Maghrib dan Isyak, ALLAH akan menghindarkannya daripada sebarang bencana
21. Nabi sering beristinsyaq air kedalam hidung dan menghembuskannya. Selain membersihkan, ia juga mengelakkan sebarang penyakit yang berkaitan dengan hidung
22. Setelah bersolat Nabi memohon ampun ( astagfirullahalaziim) tiga kali-Muslim. Dalam riwayat yang lain, Nabi adakalanya beristighfar 75 kali sehari
23. Sesiapa yang amalkan berselawat sebanyak 1000 kali tiap hari, ALLAH akan memeliharanya daripada sebarang ancaman musuh serta bahaya fitnah
24. Apabila Nabi tidur, ia dahulukan mengiring sebelah kanan – Bukhari. Dari segi kesihatan, cara berkenaan baik untuk jantung (yang berada di kiri badan) mengepam darah
25. Amalan berselawat secara teratur setiap hari mampu membersihkan kekeruhan jiwa, dipermudahkan ALLAH segala urusan dan mendapat keampunan daripadaNYA
26. Tika Nabi tidur, ia membaca surah Al-Ikhlas,Al-Falaq dan An-Naas lalu meniup telapak tangan serta menyapu keseluruh tubuh)mohon perlindunganNYA) – Bukhari
27. Membaca selawat 10 kali pada setiap waktu pagi dan petang akan memperolehi keredhaan serta dijauhkan diri daripada mendapat kemurkaan ALLAH
28. Wuduk dahulu jika ingin tidur sekalipun dalam keadaan junub. Nabi menyarankan, cukup dengan bersihkan kemaluan dan berwuduk tanpa perlu mandi wajib jika ingin tidur
29. Munurut As-Shawi, sesiapa yang membaca selawat secara rutin, akan terpelihara hatinya daripada gangguan serta tipudaya syaitan yang melalaikan
30. Silangkan kaki jika tidur di masjid. Hadith: Sahabat melihat Nabi berbaring di masjid dengan satu kakinya atas kaki yang lain (kerana bimbang terdedah aurat) – Bukhari
31. Sesiapa yang membaca selawat sebanyak tujuh kali selama tujuh Jumaat berturut-turut, ia bakal mendapat syafaat (pertolongan) daripada baginda SAW
32. Adakalanya Nabi SAW amat menyukai doa-doa yang ringkas (mudah) – Abu dawud. Baginda mementingkan kualiti doa itu sendiri dengan sedikit tetapi maknanya yang menyeluruh
33. Menurut Al-Hafiz Dimyati, sesiapa yang berhajat menemui Nabi SAW dalam mimpinya maka amalkan membaca selawat sebanyak 70 kali sehari
34. Setelah bersolat Nabi SAW mohon ampun (astagfirullahalaziim) tiga kali – Muslim. Dalam riwayat yang lain, Nabi adakalanya beristighfar 75 kali sehari

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Maulidurrasul or Birthday of Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon Him, Is it a day for rememberance?

First and foremost, I'm not an expert to comment on the topic, thus this is just my opinion and should not be used as reference. Any problem in regards to the topic, please kindly refer and ask any recognized Muslim scholars.

I start with the name of Almighty Allah and Allahummashollia'la Muhammad wa a'la alihi washohbihi wasallim and Oh Allah, all praises are upon Muhammad, his family and companions.

I grew up in a small town in Red Giant state called Sg. Big, which has sufficient facilities to supply for a few hundreds family in the surrounding area. It has a main mosque call Masjid Makmuriah and other small musolla or praying house in every small villages nearby. Sounds religious town isn't it? Yeah, the majority nearly 99% of the population is Malay and they all Muslim. Like in the book titled The Travels of Marco Polo said, if he managed to pass through my town, he surely will said " All the villagers are idolaters, they worship Mahomet(Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him)".I'm positive he will said so.

What is so special about Muhammad Peace be Upon Him? When I was 7, my parents bought a book titled Collection of Selawat of Muhammad Peace be Upon Him. Roughly the book contains 99 Selawat and their benefits to the life here and hereafter. After spending a few hours reading the book, I concluded and decided to at least recite a selawat a day, because by reciting once, Allah will do selawat upon us 10 times, by giving forgiving our sins, increases our good deeds and at least put us among people who love to praise His beloved prophet Muhammad Peacebe upon him. I as a stubborn boy at that time, knew that my ustazah at primary school always said a person who has committed a sin must repent, if not he will be burnt in the hellfire before being put into the paradise.

I will put the a story of hell and paradise in the future InsyaAllah. What do you think a cute little boy but stubborn and handsome like me will think? You don't know right unless I tell you but you can make an intelligent assumption like my lecturer always said.

If you do a committed a sin, you will be given bad deed but nothing given if it just an intention to do bad things. However if you performed a good things, you will be rewarded 10 good deeds. Mathematically, 10 good deeds minus 1 bad deed is equivalent to 9 good deeds, if 1 good deed neutralizes 1 bad deed. So, as a stubborn and a bit naugthy boy, I thought the rewards by reciting a Selawat is far too generous, and not included other type of Selawat which has hundreds to thousands good deeds given per recitation. This is definitely infinite generousity which of course it is from Allah Almighty, the King of the King.

Oh, I come back to my question in previous paragraph, as I remember(correct me if I'm wrong) when the first human, Prophet Adam 'Alaihissalam ate a forbidden fruit in the paradise, he was punished by Allah and was kicked out from the heaven to the earth. Everyday, he pray to Allah for forgiveness, but Allah ignored but oneday, which was 40 years later, suddenly by the permission of Allah, an idea just clicked in Adam's mind and he pray 'Oh Allah, forgive my sin by the blessing of Muhammad Peace be Upon Him'. Immediately, Allah granted his prayer and the sin was forgiven. Allah asked Adam, ' How do you know about Muhammad peace be Upon Him?'. Adam
answered ' I just remembered while I was walking in heaven, I saw Muhammad's name was located side by side with your name. So, I thought he must be special'. Allah replied: 'Muhammad is the last prophet from your descendent'.

Why Muhammad so special? As I remember, when Muhammad Peace be Upon Him was ordered to see Allah for determination of 5 praying times, he used a Buraq, heavenly flying horse to reached the highest layer of the sky. The Buraq itself was chosen thousand years before the birth of Muhammad Peace be Upon Him. As according to Muslim scholars, when Muhammad Peace be upon Him see Allah at that night of Isra' Mikraj, he entered the Arash of Allah with his daily shoes. My meaning of daily shoes is the shoes he use everyday. My point about the shoes is, We as normal(if you are normal) human being, when attending special occasion with so many protocols especially royal function, we ususally use special shoes, not our daily shoes. In the case of daily shoes belonged to Muhammad Peace be Upon Him, his shoes has the sweat and smell of Muhammad Peace be Upon Him' s foot(as we know all the excess or secretion came out from Muhammad Peace be Upon Him, are noble) and futhermore at that time he already made dakwah, asking the Arabs to worship none but the Almighty Allah only. Thus this made he himself who is already known as not just the Messenger and lover of Allah just noble, but even higher rank of noble class than that.Therefore his shoes is noble and can enter the 'Arash of Allah. Not our shoes you know. When the body Muhammad Peace be Upon Him bled,his companions will quickly rush to eat the blood as whose body contains the blood of Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon Him will not be touched by the hellfire. When Muhammad Peace be upon Him performing an ablution prior to prayer, his ablution water which of course contains his sweat will be drank by his companions. There were so many stories about these. Please ask Muslim scholars.

Are you so special until the people around you will be competing to drink your sweat? Tell me if you got one today.

Have you ever heard saying about whoever practices the sunnah or daily practices of Prophet Muhammad Peace be Upon Him will rewarded a good deed as equal to syahid, who died in path of Allah or in another saying it is equal to 100 good deeds of the syahid, in which a syahid, will be enter the paradise easily without judgement?

So, from now onwards, I ask myself to recorrect whatever should be corrected in regards to the practices of the Sunnah, then I called Maulidurrasul celebration.

P/S: Dear English obsessed people, I'm sorry 4 my poor English..


Kedai ni buka seawal pukul 7.00pagi setiap hari. Boleh beli ini & itu..mcm2 ada..Kedai bawah ni pula buka selewat kul 8:00pagi...Juga macam2 ada di kedai ni.

- Posted using BlogPress

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Cellphones/Handphones bad to health???

Few years back in 1999,about 12 years ago, I still remember fresh in my mind, my humble, funny and down to earth physics teacher taught me about wave. He asked my class, what is wave? Then students had given a few answers, and then silence for few minutes. He broke the silence by saying ' All of you answers are almost correct', and he continued by saying actually wave is disturbance, then he repeated twice and he laughed. I was wandering what was so funny about wave.
Then I asked my classmate about his personal life history. My friend said my physics teacher was a brilliant and genius student who got scholared by government to study abroad in England in 1970s. He studied there until Phd(Physics) if I'm not mistaken but didn't finish it. Why? As according to my friend, while my teacher doing Phd, he was no more a practicing muslim. He almost become an atheist and overwhelmed by his studies. Oneday, a tabligh (Muslim preacher) guy came to him and asked him to go to the path of Allah. Started from that moment he realized he had deviated away from the Islam and later he decided to quit the Phd and returned to Malaysia with his Master qualification only . The reason why he gave up his Phd is remained his . Later I concluded that the reason of his laugh was related to his life as student. He taught us about the danger of wave used by handphone  back then, in which handphone was not popular and rarely seen used by people, and it was famous in 2000/01, about  1-2 years later when NOKIA 3310 hits the technolgy market. He said the wave used in handphone is almost similar to the wave used in microwave, thus our brain slowly will be cooked. Then he laughed again. We also laughed.

News 1

New Delhi, Feb 3: There have been numerous rhetoric doing the rounds on the ill-effects of mobile radiation for a while. The results are out and they are not pleasing at all. It has been found that radiation from mobile towers pose grave health risks including memory loss, lack of concentration and digestive disturbances. The fact was revealed by an Inter-ministerial committee formed by the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology to study the hazards posed by mobile phones.

If the damages are not lethal for humans, its even worse for birds and insects as well. The committee has attributed the radiation effects to the disappearance of butterflies, bees, insects and sparrows.

Oooo...My world 2011!!! - 1

Recently there are a lot of things happen around the globe.
1- Cyclone in Australia. Cyclone Bianca in Western Australia not cause so much damage and Cyclone Yasi following Cyclone Anthony in North Queensland  had caused devastated damages to properties(thousands of houses were wrecked, shops had been destroyed and the worst is for banana lovers whereby  90% of banana tress were down but no worries if you still have other fruits or if you are taking banana for the potassium, then just take potassium supplement then from nearby pharmacy. The banana tree will regrow since they all not uprooted like palm tress).
Read the chronology event here :

Cyclone Yasi was the largest and most powerful cyclone to hit Queensland in living memory. 

Cyclone Yasi made landfall in North Queensland about 1am (AEDT) on February 3 and continues to make its way inland. The key developments:
  • The first Yasi-related death was announced today after a 23-year-old man was found dead in his home last night. Police said he was killed by fumes from a generator he was running inside a closed room after the storm knocked out electricity.
  • Police are looking for two men not seen since the cyclone, one of whom was reported missing by his sister in Brisbane and the other by an overseas friend on Tuesday after speaking by phone from his yacht at Port Hinchinbrook.
  • Cyclone Yasi weakened to a tropical depression overnight and the cyclone warning for inland towns including Mt Isa was cancelled, though locals were warned winds could still reach 90km/h.
  • The hardest hit communities are Cardwell, Tully, Innisfail and Mission Beach. There are major concerns of flooding in Townsville, Ingham and Giru. Police will search today for a man last seen moving his boat before the cyclone struck.
  • The cyclone has left 150,000 homes without power. Premier Anna Bligh says thousands will be made homeless. Disaster relief payments have been activated for residents affected by the cyclone. There are concerns about water supply in Townsville and Magnetic Island.

2.15pm Victims of Cyclone Yasi returning to their homes should beware of contact with asbestos, the Asbestos Diseases Foundation (ADFA) of Australia said.
ADFA President Barry Robson said "heartbroken families sifting through the remains of their houses searching for valuables may unwittingly expose themselves to asbestos contamination."
"Asbestos is found in many Australian houses built before 1984, as well as in outbuildings and sheds on farms.
2.07pm Queensland's Hamilton Island is welcoming guests back, in an early sign the state's tourism industry is beginning the recovery process after Cyclone Yasi.
Residents, holiday-makers and staff were evacuated on Tuesday as a precautionary measure as the cyclone approached.
Ferry services to the island resumed yesterday, all regularly scheduled flights returned today and all tour operators and other outlets on the island have reopened.
Any guests affected by the evacuation can rebook with the island without incurring any penalties.
1.56pm is running a live blog now. 
1.45pm The Courier Mail has an impressive multimedia package showing how a low pressure system became one of the biggest storms in Queensland's living memory. You can have a look at it here.

courier mail MM graphic
1.38pm Food and other shortages are looming in north Queensland, with the premier on her way back to Brisbane to tackle the critical issue.
Premier Anna Bligh has been in the region touring the devastation left by Cyclone Yasi, but is heading back to Brisbane for high level talks about resupplying the north.
"We have major cuts to the Bruce Highway, so we're working with retailers to get supplies, particularly north of Townsville," she told reporters in Cairns.
1.32pm Compare a drive down Tully's main street in 2007 with today after Tropical Cyclone Yasi, in this video.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

doa elak sihir dari ceramah ustaz kazim

baca setiap kali sebelum solat

Surat Hud, ayat 56, baca setiap kali sebelum tidur dan selepas solat.

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Monday, September 6, 2010


(This article of Mr A. Cressy Morrison, former President of the New York Academy of Sciences, first appeared in the "Reader's Digest (January 1948); then on recommendation of Professor C. A. Coulson, F. R.S., Professor of Mathematics at Oxford University, was republished in the Reader's Digest November 1960) - It shows how science compels the scientists to admit to the essential need of a Supreme Creator.

We are still in the dawn of the scientific age and every increase of light reveals more brightly the handiwork of an intelligent Creator. In the 90 years since Darwin we have made stupendous discoveries; with a spirit of scientific humanity and of faith grounded in knowledge we are approaching even nearer to an awareness of God.

For myself I count seven reasons for my faith.


By unwavering mathematical law we can prove that our universe was designed and executed by a great engineering Intelligence. Suppose you put ten coins, marked from one to ten, into your pocket and give them a good shuffle. Now try to take them out in sequence from one to ten, pulling back the coin each time and shaking them all again. Mathematically we know that your chance of first drawing number one is one in ten; of drawing one and two in succession, one in 100; of drawing one, two and three in succession, one in a thousand, and so on; your chance of drawing them all, from one to number ten in succession, would reach the unbelievable figure of one chance in ten thousand million.

By the same reasoning, so many exacting conditions are necessary for life on earth that they could not possibly exist in proper relationship by chance. The earth rotates on its axis at one thousand miles an hour; if it turned at one hundred miles an hour, our days and nights would be ten times as long as now, and the hot sun would then burn up our vegetation during each long day, while in the long night any surviving sprout would freeze.

Again, the sun, source of our life, has a surface temperature of 12,000 degrees Fahrenheit, and our earth is, just far enough away so that this 'eternal fire" warms us just enough and not too much! If the sun gave off only one-half its present radiation, we would freeze, and if it gave half as much more, we would roast.
The slant of the earth, tilted at an angle of 23 degrees, gives us our season; if it had not been so tilted, vapours from the ocean would move north and south, piling up for us continents of ice. If our moon was, say, only 50 thousand miles away instead of its actual distance. Our tides would be so enormous that twice a day all continents would be submerged; even the mountains would soon be eroded away. If the crust of the earth had been only ten feet thicker, there would be no oxygen without which animal life must die. Had the ocean been a few feet deeper, carbon dioxide and oxygen would have been absorbed and no vegetable life could exist. Or if our atmosphere had been thinner, some of the meteors, now burned in space by the million evey day; would be striking all parts of the earth, starting fires everywhere.

Because of these, and host of other examples, there is not one chance in millions that life on our planet is an accident.


The resourcefulness of life to accomplish its purpose is a manifestation of all-pervading Intelligence. What life itself is no man has fathomed. It has neither weight nor dimensions, but it does have force; a growing root will crack a rock. Life has conquered water, land and air, mastering the element,

compelling them to dissolve and reform their combinations.
Life, the sculptor, shapes all living things; an artist, it designs every leaf of every tree, and colours every flower. Life is a musician and has each bird to sing its love songs, the insects to call each other in the music of their multitudinous sounds. Life is a sublime chemist, giving taste to fruits and spices, and perfume to the rose changing water and carbonic acid into sugar and wood and, in so doing, releasing oxygen that animals may have the breath of life.

Behold an almost invisible drop of protoplasm, transparent and jelly-like, capable of motion, drawiug energy from the sun. This single cell, this transparent mistlike droplet, holds within itself the germ of life, and has the power to distribute this life to every living thing, great and small. The powers of this droplet are greater than our vegetation and animals and people, for all life came from it. Nature did not create life; fire-blistered rocks and a saltless sea could not meet
the necessarv requirements. Who, then, has put it here ?


Animal wisdom speaks irresistibly of a good Creator who infused instinct into otherwise helpless little creatures. The young salmon spends years at sea, then comes back to his own river; and travels up the very side of the river into which flows The tributary where he was born.

What brings him back so precisely? If you transfer him to another tributary he will know at once that he is off his course and he will fight his way down and back to the main stream and then turn up against the current to finish his destiny more accurately.

Even more difficult to solve is the mystery of eels. These amazing creatures migrate at maturity from all ponds and rivers everywhere - those from Europe across thousands of miles of oceans - all bound for the same abysmal deeps near Bermuda. There they breed and die. The little ones, with no apparent means of knowing anything except that they are in a wilderness of water; nevertheless find their way back not only to the very shore from which their parent came but thence to the rivers, lakes or little ponds - so that each body of water is always populated with eels. No American eel has ever been caught in Europe, no European eel in American waters. Nature has even delayed the maturity of the European eel by a year or more to make up for its longer journey. Where does the directing iruptilse originate?
A wasp will overpower a grasshopper, dig a hole in the earth, sting the grasshopper in exactly the right place so that he does not die but becomes unconscious and lives on as a form of preserved meat. Then the Wasp will lay her eggs handily so that her children when they hatch can nibble witliout killing' the insect on which they feed, to them dead meat would be fatal. The mother then flies way and dies; she never sees her young. Surely the wasp must have done all this right the first time and every time, or else there would be no wasp. Such mysterious techniques cannot be explained by adaption; they were bestowtd.


Man has something more than animal instinct - the power of reason.

No other animal has ever left a record of its ability to count ten or even to understand the meaning of ten. Where instinct is like a single note of a flute, beautiful but limited, the human brain contains all the notes of all the instruments in the orchestra. No need to belabour this fourth point; thanks to the human, reason we can contemplate the possibility that we are what we are only betause we have received a spark of Universal Intelligence.

Provision for all living is revealed in phenomena which we know today but which Darwin did not know - such as the wonders of genes. So unspeakably tiny are these genes that, if all of them responsible for all living people in the world could be put in one place, there would be less than a thimbleful. Yet these ultra-microscopic genes and their companions, the chromosomes, inhabit every living cell and are the absolute keys to all human, animal and vegetable characteristics. A thimble is a small place in which to put all the individual characteristics of two thousand million human beings. However; the facts are beyond question. Well then, how do genes lock up all the normal heredity of a multitude of ancestors and preserve the psychology of each in such an infinitely small space? Here evolution really begins - at the cell, the entity which holds and carries genes. How a few million atoms, locked up as an ultra-microscopic gene, can absolutely rule all on earth is an example of profound cunning and provision that could emanate only from a Creative Intelligence - no other hypothesis will serve.


By the economy of nature, we are forced to realize that only infinite wisdom could have foreseen and prepared with such astute husbandry.

Many years ago a species of cactus was planted in Australia as a protective fence. Having no insect enemies in Australia the cactus soon began a prodigious growth; the alarming abundance persisted until the plants covered an area as long and wide as England, crowding inhabitants out of the towns and villages, and destroying their farms. Seeking a defence, the entomologists scoured the world; finally they turned up an insect which exclusively feeds on cactus, and would eat nothing else. It would breed freely too; and it had no enemies in Australia. So animal soon conquered vegetable and today the cactus pest has retreated, and with it all but a small protective residue of the insects, enough to hold the cactus in check for ever. Why have not fast-breeding insects dominated the earth? Because they have no lungs such as man possesses; they breathe through tubes. But when insects grow large, their tubes do not grow in ratio to the increasing size of the body. Hence there has never beetn an insect of great size; this limitation on growth has held them all in check.
If this physical check had not been provided, man could not exist. Imagine meeting a hornet as big as a lion!


The fact that man can conceive the idea of God is in itself a unique proof.

The conception of god rises from a divine faculty of man, unshared with the rest of our world - the faculty we call imagination. By its power, man and man alone can fmd the evidence of things unseen. The vista that power opens up is unbounded; indeed, as man is perfected, imagination becomes a spiritual reality. He may discern in all the evidence of design and purpose the great truth that heaven is wherever and whatever is; that God is everywhere and in everything, but nowhere so close as in our hearts. It is scientifically as well as imaginatively true; in the words of the palmist; The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament sheweth His handiwork.

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Friday, August 27, 2010

Studies Show Fajr Prayer is Healthy



By Karima Burns, MH, ND

"And He it is Who made the night a covering for you, and the sleep a rest, and He made the day to rise up again" (Qur’an 25:47).

Certainly sleep is one of the blessings from Allah. At the end of a busy day a person looks forward to sleeping and regaining enough energy for the next day. Sleep is also important for good health and safety reasons. However, studies vary as to how much sleep is enough. Some studies claim 8-10 hours is a requirement for everyone. However, the Prophet Mohammad (saws) used to sleep very few hours in the night and used part of the night for prayer. Recent studies confirm that this may actually be healthier for some people.

Sleep is important for health and safety reasons. Lack of sleep can lead to mental illness, relationship problems, absence from work and even traffic accidents.

Researchers have found that people with chronic insomnia are more likely than others to develop several kinds of psychiatric problems, and are also likely to make greater use of healthcare services (Yang). Lost productivity due to sleepiness has been estimated to cost the national economy as much as $100 billion annually and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has estimated more than 100,000 auto crashes annually may be fatigue related (Yang). Because of this, some studies claim that 8-10 hours should be required for everyone. However, recent studies have confirmed what the prophet Muhammad did may be healthy for some people.

"…the Prophet slept for a part of the night, (See Fateh-al-Bari page 249, Vol. 1), and late in the night, he got up and performed ablution from a hanging water skin, a light (perfect) ablution and stood up for the prayer (Bukhari)."

1059733_sunset_with_masjidModern studies show that this may actually be the best advice for many people. In fact, many studies are showing that less sleep or even lack of sleep can be healthier in some cases.

A six-year study of more than a million Americans shows that a good night's sleep lasts seven hours. It also showed that people who sleep for eight hours or more tend to die a bit sooner. Study leader Daniel F. Kripke, MD, says,"You really don't have to sleep for eight hours and you don't have to worry about it. It is evidently very safe to sleep only seven, six, or even five hours a night (DeNoon)."

Kripke and co-workers analyzed data from an American Cancer Society study conducted between 1982 and 1988. The study gathered information on people's sleep habits and health, and then followed them for six years. Study participants ranged in age from 30 to 102 years, with an average starting age of 57 years for women and 58 years for men. In the study the death risk for people with too much sleep was 34% as compared to only 12% for those who slept 8 hours and only 22% for those who had too little sleep.

These findings are similar to those in the dietary realm that show that eating too much food is much more harmful than not eating enough (of course massive extremes such as starvation and not sleeping at all are not included in this discussion). Kripke even noted that, "For 10-hour sleepers, the increased risk of death was about the same as that for moderate obesity."

imagesSome studies have even experimented with sleep deprivation to cure depression. Up to 60% of depressed people will show a 30% improvement after just one night awake, according to a review article published in the January 1990 issue of the American Journal of Psychiatry. People who feel the most depressed in the morning and improve later in the day seem to benefit the most from a night without sleep (Yang). However, keeping people up all night is not a long-term solution and researchers often found a relapse in people once they went back to "normal" sleeping hours.

Further research showed that one reason staying up all night worked was because sleep inhibits the thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) that helps control our metabolism and, indirectly, our levels of energy. An estimated 25% to 35% of depressed patients have low TSH levels. Recent research has shown that while sleep inhibits the release of TSH, staying awake through the night and the early morning hours boosts it. This "new" scientific research is completely in accordance with the habit of the prophet (saws), which was to sleep shortly after Eisha prayer (earlier than most people sleep nowadays), and wake in the very early morning hours (sometimes as early as midnight) again to pray.

Ibn 'Abbas said, "The Prophet slept till he snored and then prayed (or probably lay till his breath sounds were heard and then got up and prayed)." Ibn 'Abbas added: "I stayed overnight in the house of my aunt, Maimuna, the Prophet slept for a part of the night, (See Fateh-al-Bari page 249, Vol. 1), and late in the night, he got up and performed ablution from a hanging water skin, a light (perfect) ablution and stood up for the prayer. I, too, performed a similar ablution, then I went and stood on his left. He drew me to his right and prayed as much as Allah wished, and again lay and slept till his breath sounds were heard. "

This is similar to the therapy given to depressed patients in Europe who are told to sleep early for a week, awake at midnight and then ease back into a "normal" sleeping schedule by waking a bit later each morning, but no later than sunrise (Yang).

If you already feel you don’t have enough sleep you may wonder, though how less sleep can make you feel better. Oftentimes sleep problems are related to sleep quality rather than length of sleep. Things a person can do to improve their sleep quality is: eat at least two hours before bedtime, change to healthier dietary habits, check with a doctor about possible sleep apnea, snoring issues, or TMJ, sleep on your side, avoid alcohol and sedatives, lose weight and find a comfortable mattress.

So how do you know how much sleep you need? Many people instinctively feel what is right for them. If you feel great after 7 hours, but feel tired if you get five hours or nine hours then you know that seven is your "ideal sleep" time. However, sleep requirements may also vary with life events. During travel or personal trauma or illness sleep requirements may increase.

John McDougal, author of several dietary books, offers a further distinction between people who need more or less sleep. He says in his book The Quick McDougal Cookbook, that healthy people usually need only 5-7 hours of sleep a night. This, in fact may be the reason many people think they need more sleep. Bad dietary habits can cause sleepiness. One such example is the heavy feeling one gets after eating a large meal or the drug-induced state that bread causes in some people. Dr. McDougal says that as long as a person is healthy they should need less than 8-hours of sleep. Medical science seems to be saying that if you need more that 8 hours of sleep you need to work on some dietary issues and strive to need less sleep. Even the prophet (saws) spoke against extremes in sleep deprivation and told men who stayed up all night for days on end praying, that they needed to moderate their habits and also get some sleep.



  • Yang, Sarah. "Staying Up to Beat the Blues."

  • DeNoon, Daniel. "Are you Sleeping Enough – Or Too Much?"

  • Durgan, Amy. "Tips to Sleep More Soundly."

Friday, July 2, 2010

Warning Over Chinese-cheap made jewellery

Children s Happy Charm Bracelets have been subjected to a recall 
for containing cadmium, a toxic heavy metal.AP ©
US regulators have found high levels of the toxic metal cadmium in trinkets distributed free to children at some doctor and dentist offices over the past five years.
The news follows the country's Consumer Product Safety Commission recall of nearly 70,000 charm bracelets and rings.
It is the fourth time this year that the federal government has ordered that cheap Chinese-made jewellery be pulled from shelves because of cadmium, a known carcinogen.
Cadmium, a heavy metal that accumulates in the body, can cause cancer, developmental and reproductive damage, and other health problems.
The concern is that children can be exposed if they bite and suck on - and in rare cases, even swallow - jewellery containing cadmium.
The commission said parents should immediately throw away any of the approximately 66,200 Children's Happy Charm Bracelets and 2200 rings that have a metal football-shaped charm attached to an adjustable band.
The charm bracelets have coloured beads and a single metal charm shaped like a butterfly, moon or sun.
The agency has not received any reports of incidents or injuries involving either product.
The items were distributed at doctors' and dentists' offices in the US between June 2005 and March 2010, the agency said.
Meanwhile, McDonald's Australia has confirmed there are no problems with its World Cup souvenir glasses, after 12 million Shrek glasses were recalled in the US.
The US-made Shrek glasses were found by the American Consumer Product Safety Commission to have small amounts of cadmium on them.
A spokeswoman for McDonald's Australia said the Shrek glass recall at the beginning of June was in the US and Canada only.
"There is no impact on the FIFA World Cup Coke glass promotion," McDonald's spokeswoman Amy McNaughton said.
"There is no cadmium in these glasses."
For a limited time last month, McDonald's Australia offered a free Coca-Cola glass with every Big Mac or sweet chilli wrap meal.
Recalled Shrek-themed drinking glasses from McDonald's are seen in a handout photo from the Consumer Product Safety Commission. McDonald's has recalled 12 million Shrek-themed drinking glasses after the commission warned consumers to stop using them because they contain the toxic metal cadmium. Cadmium was found in the painted design of the movie characters on the glassware, which McDonald's outlets in the US sold for about $2 each, according to the commission.

Source : The Western Australian

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

MaU Boikot Sawit? Buat aper....

Apa da org2 putih ni...dulu kempen gile2 cakap produk kelapa sawit x bagus, boikot itu ini, tapi x berjaya sebab banayk research kuar ckp product sawit bagus..paling common Vitamin E & adik-beradik dia kempen boikot sawit x berjaya.......skrg ni nak boikot sawit sbb indirectly mengancam hidupan org hutan & nak go green....tau la malaysia & Indonesia taukeh besar kelapa sawit...bab org hutan tu bukan ada org take care ke? Go green tu...biasala Malaysia & Indonesia banyak hutan, pandai2 la dorang control hutan sendiri...Yang korang tu, negara banyak bangunan, tebang hutan sana sini...ada pikir go green ke dulu ...skrg nak nyebuk hal org...Tapi kenapa kelapa sawit? ke indirectly nak tindas negara org? ke indirectly nak tindas negara yg byk org Islam? bukan ke korang jugak yg bwk sawit ke asia...dah la curi bahan galian negara org, habiskan dulu ..then bla macam tu je...ish3 jahat ada balasannya.....

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