Saturday, July 3, 2010

Ghana kalah..Holland menang

After spending my precious time watching WC quater final, Holland main good game, tp uruguay? not a good game sbb desperately menghanballkan diri, tp ended up they have won the game but still in my point of view, the referee a bit bias against Ghana. However, it was just a game, someone has to lose in order to let the opponent win. Bak kata org menang kalah adat perlawanan. Allah dah tetapkan yg Ghana akan kalah, Brazil akan kalah. So Brazil, tu la, sape suruh Dunga dungu sangat. Bg la Ronaldinho main, baru la best sikit ala2 samba. Ni tak Brazil x nak main samba, nak main sambal belacan. Mana boleh kan??? Dah samba, samba je lah..bukan sambagamaran @ sanbagamaran..sapetah..macam pernah dgr jer.. Anyhow, the windmill country menang dgn warna oren. Jumpa lah di semiFinal nanti warna oren & light blue. Sape yg handball tu padan muka miss game, jadilah miss, tukar jantina. Kesian Afrika xda wakil.Nak buat mcm mana sume dah kehendak Allah.. kuang3x ..dah subuh 5:51am, mau tunggu lagi..ngantuk banget. Marilah kita zikir& selawat byk2 kat Allah. Tataplah gambar ni sebagai tanda syukur pd Allah.Sekian.

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Total Memory Workout

Recently I've registered as a new member of Nedlands Library. The library just located of less than 5 minutes walk from my house. This link will lead you to some infos of the library Interestingly, I can borrow up to 12 items including Dvds,Cds,Cdroms, books, magazines and posters. The duration of loan is 3 weeks. So, I've borrowed this book written by Cynthia R. Green, a specialist in memory enhancement, telling about her 8 easy steps to maximum memory fitness. Here are the 8 steps :
STEP 1 ; Meet your memory - Wake up your memory with the A.M. Principle
STEP 2 ; The lifestyle connection - 10 factors most likely to lower your memory potential and what to do about them.
STEP 3 ; Food for thoughts - A diet to boost your brainpower plus the scoop on supplements
STEP 4 ;Get organized - The best ways to remember what you need to do, what was said and where things are
STEP 5 ; Train your brain - 8 techniques to keep your memory sharp
STEP 6 ; Remember what you read and see - 7 ways to learn a list and how to SING for your stories
STEP 7 ; Remember the people you meet - Rev up your recall for names
STEP 8 ; Total memory Maintenance - Tips for maintaining your maximum memory fitness

Well, the steps might be useful for me in the future, so let's read the book.


Nasi ayam ala2 Hainan

Salam again. Today I've successfully cooked a main dish by myself. How to make the dish? Well...First I deal with the chicken, wash them thoroughly and boiled them with some ginger,garlic and a pinch of salt. After 15 minutes, separate the chicken from its stock and put aside. Then stir fry a stick of cinnamon, 3-5 cloves, 2-3 cardamon & a star anise with a 3-5 spoonful of butter@margarine in a rice cooker pot until you can smell the fragrance of the spices. Then add some nicely sliced shallot@pickel onion,ginger and garlic into the pot, caramelize them. Then put your preferred rice(I prefer basmati rice) and a suitable amount of chicken stock into the same pot & cook them.Taste them accordingly. For the chicken, I marinate them with paprika powder, 2-3 spoonful of honey and a tasteful pinch of salt. Then put them into the oven for 15-20 minutes on 200°C(mine is an electrical oven). What a chicken rice without the soup and chili sauce right.. For the soup I've thrown in a finely chopped of a bunch of corriander & adjust the taste with salt. To make the chili sauce, I've cooked blended 10-15 of fresh red & green chilis with 5-9 clove of garlic in a small pot, add in some water, 3-5 spoonful of sugar, a nice and tasteful pinch of salt and a few drops of white vinegar. Cook about 10-20 minutes. For vegies, you can use fresh cucumber and lettuce. Finally, nicely plate them and don't forget to recite a supplication before eat. ô_Õ

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Salam..dah hampir 2 tahun dok di perantauan,so far so good Alhamdulillah.Syukur Allah tambah nikmat lg, betul tak? Masa mula2 datang dulu, sampai sini musim sejuk.Musim sejuk biasanya banyak hujan renyai2.Kalau macam tu, Malaysia dikira Negara Sejuk la kan??? In a way, it is, but Malaysia located @ equator line of the Earth, jadi panas dan lembab sepanjang tahun. Jadi mempunyai taburan hujan yg tinggi. Back to winter story, actually I've got no story to tell tapi sekarang ni suhu 3°C, agak sejuk. Kalau tak pakai heater, mmg sejuk sgt. So far jenis heater yg dipakai adalah heating fan aka kipas yg ada pemanas. Heater jenis ni cepat melegakan rasa sejuk, berbanding radiant/radiating oil @ gas heater.

Cube tgk watts yg heater ni pakai. Agak tinggi bukan?? Kalu pakai 5-6 jam continuously perday mmg bil Elektrik mahal la. Dahla electricity rate quite expensive as compared to Malaysia. Apa nak buat. Sabar & Usaha yg terbaik mcm mana nak kurangkan bil elektrik.Apa pun sejuk dan panas adalah 2 jenis sensation yg boleh kita rasa.
2 jenis rasa ni di kendalikan oleh somatosensory system yg merangkumi receptors and processing centres. Biasalakan, receptor panas& sejuk is called thermoreceptor yg paling biasa byk di kulit. Ada rezeki mewah, boleh la nanti kita belajar tentang somatosensory system ni. Paling penting skrg ni 3°C.

Opps..dah turun kpd 2°..

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Friday, July 2, 2010

Warning Over Chinese-cheap made jewellery

Children s Happy Charm Bracelets have been subjected to a recall 
for containing cadmium, a toxic heavy metal.AP ©
US regulators have found high levels of the toxic metal cadmium in trinkets distributed free to children at some doctor and dentist offices over the past five years.
The news follows the country's Consumer Product Safety Commission recall of nearly 70,000 charm bracelets and rings.
It is the fourth time this year that the federal government has ordered that cheap Chinese-made jewellery be pulled from shelves because of cadmium, a known carcinogen.
Cadmium, a heavy metal that accumulates in the body, can cause cancer, developmental and reproductive damage, and other health problems.
The concern is that children can be exposed if they bite and suck on - and in rare cases, even swallow - jewellery containing cadmium.
The commission said parents should immediately throw away any of the approximately 66,200 Children's Happy Charm Bracelets and 2200 rings that have a metal football-shaped charm attached to an adjustable band.
The charm bracelets have coloured beads and a single metal charm shaped like a butterfly, moon or sun.
The agency has not received any reports of incidents or injuries involving either product.
The items were distributed at doctors' and dentists' offices in the US between June 2005 and March 2010, the agency said.
Meanwhile, McDonald's Australia has confirmed there are no problems with its World Cup souvenir glasses, after 12 million Shrek glasses were recalled in the US.
The US-made Shrek glasses were found by the American Consumer Product Safety Commission to have small amounts of cadmium on them.
A spokeswoman for McDonald's Australia said the Shrek glass recall at the beginning of June was in the US and Canada only.
"There is no impact on the FIFA World Cup Coke glass promotion," McDonald's spokeswoman Amy McNaughton said.
"There is no cadmium in these glasses."
For a limited time last month, McDonald's Australia offered a free Coca-Cola glass with every Big Mac or sweet chilli wrap meal.
Recalled Shrek-themed drinking glasses from McDonald's are seen in a handout photo from the Consumer Product Safety Commission. McDonald's has recalled 12 million Shrek-themed drinking glasses after the commission warned consumers to stop using them because they contain the toxic metal cadmium. Cadmium was found in the painted design of the movie characters on the glassware, which McDonald's outlets in the US sold for about $2 each, according to the commission.

Source : The Western Australian

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Good Mind x cukup

"It is not enough to have a good mind. The main thing is to use it well." -RENÉ DESCARTES, a French philosopher, mathematician and physicist.
