Friday, March 29, 2013

Dragon Fruit atau Buah Naga : The superfruit of 2013

Do you know doctors in Taiwan urge diabetic patients to eat this cactus fruit to regulate their blood sugar level?

Do you know the fruit is also known as Queen of fruit and voted as superfruit in 2013, in which put this fruit at the highest rank,defeating  other superfruit such as acai berries and pomegranates?

Below are some Infos copied from internet for my own future reference...:)

Dragon fruit (Hylocereus undatus), a tropical fruit popular in Southeast Asia, belongs to the climbing cacti (Cactaceae) family. Vietnam is the main commercial producer of dragon fruits in this region. The fruit, apart from being refreshing and tasty, has loads of vitamin C and is said to aid digestion.

Origin and distributionThe fruit is native to Central America. It is known as Pitahaya in Mexico and as Pitaya roja in Central America and northern South America. Pitahaya is the Spanish name for fruiting vines of Central America. The fruit was introduced in Vietnam by the French over a hundred years ago. According to some, the French took the fruit from Nicaragua and Colombia while others said they brought it from Guyana (South America) in 1870 as an ornamental plant. For its large attractive flowers which bloom only at night, the flamboyant plant is also known as "moonflower" or "lady of the night".

When the Vietnamese discovered the plant's tasty fruit, they cultivated it for food, just as the Mexicans did. The Vietnamese now regard this fruit as indigenous, especially the white flesh variety, Hylocereus undatus, or called Blue Dragon or thanh long by the Vietnamese Only of late was the fruit grown in Vietnam on a large-scale as a commercial crop. As one of Vietnam's most profitable crops, it is exported to markets all over the Southeast Asia. The commercialisation of the crop is also catching up in Thailand, New Zealand, Australia and Hawaii.

The plant gets its genus name Hylocerus from the word cerus derived from the Latin word cera, meaning "wax" or "torch-like".

The plant is a climbing cactus vine that grows well in dry areas. Because of its epiphytic nature, it grows best in soil with a high level of organic materials. The flowers are white and large, measuring 30 cm long or more. They are ornate and produce a sweet fragrance when in bloom. The flowers bloom for one night only. Pitahaya plants can have between four to six fruiting cycles in one year. It can be propagated by seed or by stem cuttings.

The dragon fruit has a dramatic appearance, bright pink or yellow skinned (from Columbia) with green coloured spine-like scales. The scales turn yellow as the fruit ripens while the skin peels easily. The fruit is oval shaped, elliptical or pear-shaped. Inside, the flesh has subtly flavoured sweet taste or sometimes slightly sourish. The flesh is either white or red with black seeds dotted all over. The seeds resemble sesame seeds and taste like cactus seeds. It imparts a crunchy texture. Dragon fruits are also called cactus fruits. They are closely related to the orchid cacti or epiphyllum. Epiphyllums are known for their large and impressive flowers. The pitahaya can be cross pollinated with the epiphyllums.

Usage and potential
The fruit is popularly eaten raw and tastes better chilled. It is also served as a juice. The flesh is sweet and sometimes served with mango in a tropical sorbet. The fruit is also used to flavour drinks while syrup made of the whole fruit is used to colour pastries and candy.
The pulp of the fruit is used in producing an alcoholic beverage. The fruit makes a wonderful cocktail on its own or mixed with other tropical fruits. It is sometimes used in cooking. Unopened flowerbuds can be cooked like vegetables.

Dragon fruits reputedly improve eyesight and prevent hypertension. The seeds of the fruit supposed help in controlling blood glucose levels in people with non-insulin-dependent hyperglycaemic conditions (a kind of diabetes). It is also used to treat stomach and endocrine problems.

Other uses

The plant is popularly planted as a climber to cover chainlink fencing. Parts of the pitahaya plant can be used to produce food colour.

Variant names
Common name: Dragon Fruit or Dragon Pearl Fruit.
Scientific name: Hylocereus undatus, or its synonym, Cereus triangularis.
Malay name: Kaktus madu.
Chinese name: Long guo (Mandarin).
Vietnamese name: Thanh long.
Other common names: Pitahaya, Strawberry Pear, Cactus fruit, Night blooming Cereus, Belle of the Night, Cinderella plant.

Hylocereus polyrhizus (Red-fleshed pitahaya) Hylocereus undatus (White-fleshed pitahaya)
Myristic acid 0.2% 0.3%
Palmitic acid 17.9% 17.1%
Stearic acid 5.49% 4.37%
Palmitoleic acid 0.91% 0.61%
Oleic acid 21.6% 23.8%
Cis-vaccenic acid 3.14% 2.81%
Linoleic acid 49.6% 50.1%
Linolenic acid 1.21% 0.98%


Summary for Nutritional & Health Benefits of Red Dragon Fruit (100 g)*
Nutritional Value*
Nutritional & Health Benefits*
50 Cal
Provide good source of energy
1.48 g
Provide good source of energy
0.16 g
Enhances the body’s metabolism
0.23 g
Provide good source of energy
Crude Fiber
10.1 g
Enhances digestion in our bodies & helps in weight lost
5.7 mg
Reinforces bones and aid in formation of healthy teeth
28 mg
Helps in transmission of nerve impulses, body temperature regulation, detoxification, energy production and the formation of health bones and teeth
57 mg
Helps to regulate blood pressure and heart function
14.35 mg
Helps keep the body healthy and protect against harmful damage caused by free radicals
Retinol (Vit A)
120 µg
Provides detoxification to your body, skin health and improve night vision
Thiamine (Vit B1)
48.9 µg
Assists in production of energy as well as metabolizing carbohydrates
Riboflavin (Vit B2)
40.8 µg
To recover and improve loss appetite
Niacin (Vit B3)
0.5 mg
Lowers bad cholesterol level, detoxification and enhances the appearance of the skin by moisturizing and smoothening the skin
Ascorbic Acid
(Vit C)
500.0 mg
Ensures bruises and cuts heal faster and improves the general immune system of the bodies
Vitamin E
106 µg
Acts as a powerful antioxidant by neutralizing free radicals in the body that cause tissue and cellular damage. It also provides healthy circulatory system to our body and aids in proper blood clotting and improves wound healing.
Cobalamin (Vit B12)
16 µg
Helps to maintain healthy nerve cells and red blood cells and is needed to make DNA.
23.0 mg
Aids in tissue formation
3.4 mg
Provides your body with energy
14 mg
Helps fight infection, improves brain function, helps to control your appetite and improves your immune system
31 µg
Reduces tissue damage caused by free radicals and provides bone and tissue health. Keeps thyroid gland functioning normal
21 µg
Enhances immune system function, prevents cancer and helps to reduce water retention
The red pigments in dragon fruit contain powerful flavanoid antioxidants which, it is believed, may help to prevent cancer and inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, diabetes and gout, although research has just begun to support the health claims.

Summary of Flavanoids Content of Red Dragon Fruit (100 g) and benefits.#
Type of Flavanoid#
Amount (μg)#
This compound has been associated with reducing the risk of heart disease
This compound may reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer by 23%
It is an antioxidant that is capable of eliminating cancer causing free radicals within the body.
It may be able to lower high cholesterol levels
It may reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men
It may help to relieve allergic symptoms and asthma symptoms
The anti-inflammatory properties may help to reduce pain from arthritis.
It may help to reduce fatigue, depression and anxiety.
It has potential to reduce the risk of cancer due to its anti-tumor activity.
It also could potentially be used in allergy conditions due to its anti-inflammatory properties
It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor properties
It has strong antioxidant properties.
It strengthens capillaries and can help to stop venous edema which is an early sign of chronic venous disease of the leg
It has anti-inflammatory effects.
It may inhibit some cancerous and pre-cancerous conditions

Reduce Cholesterol
The high levels of soluble and insoluble fibre, which enhances digestion, speeds transit through the bowels and reduces dietary cholesterol are also beneficial. Reports from a clinical trial in which persons with elevated cholesterol saw a remarkable reduction in total cholesterol over a five week period during which Red Dragon Fruit was consumed daily{The seeds of dragonfruits are high in polyunsaturated fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids) that reduce triglycerides and lower the risk of cardiovascular disorder}

Comparison with other Studies in Tropical Fruit Intake on the Effects of Tropical Fruits on Human Lipid Profile
Tropical Fruits Changes in Lipid Profile (%)
Total Cholesterol LDL Cholesterol HDL Cholesterol Triglyceride
Star Fruit
Red Dragon Fruit
8.19 ↓
1.62 ↓
7.85 ↓
3.9 ↓
8.38 ↓
13.3 ↓
9.55 ↓
2.31 ↓
5.09 ↓
0.60 ↓
11.40 ↓
5.94 ↓
No change
0.75 ↑
1.10 ↓
10.65 ↓
14.80 ↑
10.00 ↑
0.92 ↑
16.93 ↓
15.90 ↑
9.74 ↓
23.52 ↓

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Buang...Saintis Melayu yang hilang


Hari saya lihat dokumentari pendek tentang Buang: The Lost Malay Scientist.

 Buang bin Mohammed Ali, bukan sahaja pembantu kepada scientist terkenal Alfred Wallace,pengarang The Malay Archipellago, malah dia sendiri adalah scientist

My first impresssion..Subhanallah!  Ni cerita baru ni... sungguh ketinggalan zaman aku ni.. Video pendek selama 6 minit ini  di kongsikan di Vimeo dan internet , oleh seorang artist, Isabelle Desjeux . Ini videonya :

Link asal di sini ;
Credit sepenuh untuk   Isabelle Desjeux.
Gambar adalah credit kepada  Isabelle Desjeux.

Jangan lupa luangkan masa membaca the Malay Archipellago versi Inggeris secara percuma ini. 

Monday, January 21, 2013


Rasulullah SAW, dengan sahabat-sahabatnya Abakar r.a., Umar r.a., Utsman r.a., dan 'Ali r.a., bertamu ke rumah Ali r.a. Di rumah Ali r.a. isterinya Sayidatina Fathimah r.ha. puteri Rasulullah SAW menghidangkan untuk mereka madu yang diletakkan di dalam sebuah mangkuk yang cantik, dan ketika semangkuk madu itu dihidangkan sehelai rambut terikut di dalam mangkuk itu. Baginda Rasulullah SAW kemudian meminta kesemua sahabatnya untuk membuat suatu perbandingan terhadap ketiga benda tersebut (Mangkuk yang cantik, madu, dan sehelai rambut).

Abu bakar r.a. berkata, "iman itu lebih cantik dari mangkuk yang cantik ini, orang yang beriman itu lebih manis dari madu, dan mempertahankan iman itu lebih susah dari meniti sehelai rambut".

Umar r.a. berkata, "kerajaan itu lebih cantik dari mangkuk yang cantik ini, seorang raja itu lebih manis dari madu, dan memerintah dengan adil itu lebih sulit dari meniti sehelai rambut".

Utsman r.a. berkata, "ilmu itu lebih cantik dari mangkuk yang cantik ini, orang yang menuntut ilmu itu lebih manis dari madu, dan beramal dengan ilmu yang dimiliki itu lebih sulit dari meniti sehelai rambut".

'Ali r.a. berkata, "tamu itu lebih cantik dari mangkuk yang cantik ini, menjamu tamu itu lebih manis dari madu, dan membuat tamu senang sampai kembali pulang ke rumanya adalah lebih sulit dari meniti sehelai rambut".

Fatimah r.ha.berkata, "seorang wanita itu lebih cantik dari sebuah mangkuk yang cantik, wanita yang berpurdah itu lebih manis dari madu, dan mendapatkan seorang wanita yang tak pernah di lihat orang lain kecuali muhrimnya lebih sulit dari meniti sehelai rambut".

Rasulullah SAW berkata, "seorang yang mendapat taufik untuk beramal adalah lebih cantik dari mangkuk yang cantik ini, beramal dengan 'amal yang baik itu lebih manis dari madu, dan berbuat 'amal dengan ikhlas adalah lebih sulit dari meniti sehelai rambut".

Malaikat Jibril AS berkata, "menegakkan pilar-pilar agama itu lebih cantik dari sebuah mangkuk yang cantik, menyerahkan diri; harta; dan waktu untuk usaha agama lebih manis dari madu, dan mempertahankan usaha agama sampai akhir hayat lebih sulit dari meniti sehelai rambut".

Allah SWT berfirman, " Syurga-Ku itu lebih cantik dari mangkuk yang cantik itu, nikmat syurga-Ku itu lebih manis dari madu, dan jalan menuju syurga-Ku adalah lebih sulit dari meniti sehelai rambut".

Friday, January 18, 2013


Abu Umamah r.a. berkata : "Rasulullah S.A.W telah menganjurkan supaya kami semua mempelajari Al-Quran, setelah itu Rasulullah S.A.W memberitahu tentang kelebihan Al- Quran."

Telah bersabda Rasulullah S.A.W : Belajarlah kamu akan Al-Quran, di akhirat nanti dia akan datang kepada ahli-ahlinya, yang mana di kala itu orang sangat memerlukannya."

Ia akan datang dalam bentuk seindah-indahnya dan ia bertanya, "Kenalkah kamu kepadaku?" Maka orang yang pernah membaca akan menjawab : "Siapakah kamu?"

Maka berkata Al-Quran : "Akulah yang kamu cintai dan kamu sanjung, dan juga telah bangun malam untukku dan kamu juga pernah membacaku di waktu siang hari."

Kemudian berkata orang yang pernah membaca Al-Quran itu : "Adakah kamu Al- Quran?" Lalu Al-Quran mengakui dan menuntun orang yang pernah membaca mengadap Allah S.W.T. Lalu orang itu diberi kerajaan di tangan kanan dan kekal di tangan kirinya, kemudian dia meletakkan mahkota di atas kepalanya.

Pada kedua ayah dan ibunya pula yang muslim diberi perhiasan yang tidak dapat ditukar dengan dunia walau berlipat ganda, sehingga keduanya bertanya : "Dari manakah kami memperolehi ini semua, pada hal amal kami tidak sampai ini?"

Lalu dijawab : "Kamu diberi ini semua kerana anak kamu telah mempelajari Al- Quran."


'Amir bin Said dari bapanya berkata bahawa : "Satu hari Rasulullah S.A.W telah datang dari daerah berbukit. Apabila Rasulullah S.A.W sampai di masjid Bani Mu'awiyah lalu beliau masuk ke dalam masjid dan menunaikan solat dua rakaat. Maka kami pun turut solat bersama dengan Rasulullah S.A.W.

Kemudian Rasulullah S.A.W berdoa dengan doa yang agak panjang kepada Allah S.W.T :

Setelah selesai beliau berdoa maka Rasulullah S.A.W pun berpaling kepada kami lalu bersabda yang bermaksud : "Aku telah bermohon kepada Allah S.W.T tiga perkara, dalam tiga perkara itu cuma dia memperkenankan dua perkara saja dan satu lagi ditolak.

1.     Aku telah bermohon kepada Allah S.W.T supaya ia tidak membinasakan umatku dengan musim susah yang berpanjangan. Permohonanku ini diperkenankan oleh Allah S.W.T.

2.     Aku telah bermohon kepada Allah S.W.T supaya umatku ini jangan dibinasakan dengan bencana tenggelam (seperti banjir besar yang telah melanda umat Nabi Nuh s.a). Permohonanku ini telah diperkenankan oleh Allah S.W.T.

3.     Aku telah bermohon kepada Allah S.W.T supaya umatku tidak dibinasakan kerana pergaduhan sesama mereka (peperangan, pergaduhan antara sesama Islam). Tetapi permohonanku telah tidak diperkenankan (telah ditolak).

Apa yang kita lihat hari ini ialah negara-negara Islam sendiri bergaduh antara satu sama lain, hari ini orang Islam bergaduh sesama sendiri, orang kafir menepuk tangan dari belakang, apakah ini cantik kita melihatnya ?