Thursday, October 9, 2014

Wells Score for pulmonary embolism (PE).

Wells Score for pulmonary embolism (PE).
The mnemonic is: Don’t die, tell the team to calculate criteria! The first letters in the saying correspond to a criteria for diagnosis. If the first letters are the same, they also have the same numerical point value for calculating the total sore.
Don’t (DVT symptoms) 3 points   
Die (Diagnosis most likely PE) 3 points 
 Tell (Tachycardia) 1.5 points  The Team (Three days [at least] of immobilization, or surgery in the past Thirty days) 1.5 points 
 To (Thromboembolism in the past [DVT or PE]) 1.5 points 
 Calculate (Coughing up blood [hemoptysis]) 1 point   Criteria (Cancer) 1 point

This is what the scores mean:
> 6 High probability of PE
2-6 Moderate probability of PE
< 2 Low probability of PE

The modified Wells Criteria is a bit simpler:
> 4 PE is likely
≤ 4 PE is unlikely

Picture from:

From: “Well’s Criteria for Pulmonary Embolism / PE.” MDCalc. Web. 11 Nov. 2011

SIRS-systemic inflammatory response syndrome

 SIRS: At least 2 conditions:
  1. T>38'C @ <36'C
  2. Heart rate >90
  3. Respiratory Rate >20 @ PaCO2<32mmhg
  4. White cell counts >12k/mm3  @ <4k/mm3, @ >10% immature band form
Pic & further info from:

Monday, August 11, 2014



Budd Chiari Syndrome atau sindrom budd chiari

Saluran keluar vena hati tersumbat menyebabkan sakit perut, perut kembung berisi air, kekuningan, encephalopati, pendarahan varices dan bengkak hati dan limpa ( disebabkan oleh tekanan darah tinggi  di saluran darah sistem porta. 


Salaur darahvena tersumbat disebabkan oleh tahap beku darah yang tinggi atau malignansi. Jarang-jarang disebabkan oleh rangkaian selaput vena di IVC.


Darah: Ujian Fungsi hati (↑transaminases), Ujian Jumlah bilangan sel darah, AIR KENCING DAN ELEKTOLIT, taham pembekuan darah dan ujian saringan kekurangan sel darah kuning

Ultrasound doppler: ↓ Aliran darah dalam vena hepatik . Ujian Hepatic venogram and inferior venacavagram. MRI.


Rawatan Perubatan (jagaan sokongan, ejen anti pembekuan darah, dan proses pencairan ketulan darah bergumpal dalam peringkat awal ), prosedur radigraphy (angioplasty, TIPS, dan stenting) dan pembedahan (prosedur shunting dan penanaman hati, merawat komplikasi berkaitan dengan cecair yg berkumpul, merawat malnutrisis dan merawat tekanan darah tinggi di salur darah sistem porta.