Saturday, January 5, 2013

I'tikaf in a Masjid

Salam... How are you? Not bad , Thanks!. Yeah, I'm a bit slow while typing these words, coz been long time not publishing a REAL decent original post. Lazy? lazying around, looks stupid, naive etc. Aha. I've got a story to tell but don't know how to write. I'm not a kind of person who like to tell things, and not even a good story teller. Hmm.. how to begin?...

Last month after came back to HERE from THERE, I want to borrow a car, owned by  a friend to attend a farewell dinner at 7pm, invited by a Turkish couple(the wife is my wife's studymate, going back to Turkey for good)..., (I've sold my car to a mechanic just for$500 bucks, cheap but yeah, what to do, I ain't got enough money to repair it). Anyway, the friend is a postgraduate student from my home country, specializing in chemistry & his research deals with nano stuffs etc. He is active in doing da'wah here and there as well. When he came by, he came along with a guy seemed very familiar looking to me. It reminded me about my senior in early days of my Uni times, years ago. The thing that made me thought he was really my senior, was a prominent and clear dark marks @ prayer bum on his forehead(outer skin of frontalis muscle, anterior view), due to prolonged prostration or sujud in praying. I said to myself, yes I'm sure this is him. Then I approached him and just before my first word came out from my mouth, he said " look bigger than before, nearly I'm not recognize you". Ahaks...

Am I big before? and now bigger? or Am I a thin fellow and now getting bigger and bigger? but none of these questions came out at that time. With a brown batik trousers and just a sweat smell T-shirt, I followed him to a nearby musolla and had a chit chat. After a few minutes of short but compact conversation, he tasykil me to join them, went out to the path of Allah for 3 days. Yeah, since I'm keep on  postponing my intention for this, with the word InsyaAllah, I agreed to join them. Alhamdulillah, finally I went out to Mirabooka mosque for 3 days to learn how to make da'wah. Newbie or rookie like me, there is a lot of things to learn.

" A day of i'tikaf, Allah will put you away from hell for a distance of 3 trenches. The width of a trench is like the distance between the sky and the earth."

We can give numbers about the distance, we know the sky & the earth have 7 layers, & clearly No human being has ever landed on the moon. So the moon is located at what layer of the sky?  We also know only Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon Him, about 1400 + years ago is the only person that has ever and forever, went to sidratul muntaha, above all of the layers of the sky, met Allah in regards of 5 times Obligatory prayer, in the night of Isra' and Mi'raj, not wearing any special costume or uniform like the astronaut & with no oxygen tank. Think!...Oh my brain, can I use you to think?....

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