Friday, November 26, 2010


To hear someone u know for a long time say ' nafsi, nafsi' @ mine is mine, yours also mine is something can break a trust that has been built. Have u ever heard the almost similar phrase like that? or someone near to you say such a statement? Yeah, its often when a materialistic girl to say such words, How a about a guy? Often as well isn't it? No matter what they said, have they ever heard that everyday Allah makes them live their lives for a reason, and all theirs and mine are belonged to Allah only! Mark my word, ALLAH ONLY. We like to say this mine, these are mine, those are mine but in fact and the solely fact is EVERYTHING IS BELONGED TO US INCLUDING THINGS THAT WE PURCHASED WITH OUR OWN HARDCORE MONEY IS NOT OURS, IT'S OWNED BY THE CREATOR OF THE WORLD, WHICH IS ALLAH!!!

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