Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pernah dgr word 'backstabber'

Backstabber? Ape tu? Sounds sophisticated...or do you ever heard of "enemy in/under the blanket"? correct me if I'm wrong. The englishman call it musuh dalam selimut. Pretty weird isn't it? Our enemy hiding in a blanket or the blanket. Why a blanket? The reason is if you have many blankets, mostly likely the enemy is hiding under one of your blanket, surprisingly you do not know which blanket is, and the enemy want to surprise you. Anyhow, it is up to wheather you want to use 'a' or 'the' blanket. 'in/under' refers to a blanket which has a pocket or double layer blanket or a comforter which has function like a blanket. Well, too much words for blanket. Now let us determine wheather backstabber is an enemy in/under the blanket or not. First determine your enemy. If your enemy is unseen thing, let us put it aside and find any living enemy. Fine, now your enemy is a cockroach. Make sure you know the number of your blanket, and search the your respective & respected enemy beneath of every blanket. If you can't find it then the cockroach is your real enemy. After that, do sleep with all your blankets. Don't forget to on your videocam before you sleep. Next morning, play your videocam and look for any movement of your enemy. If your enemy is not using any knife and just ran away from yout blanket, thus your enemy is not a backstabber, just a runner. So as a conclusion, backstabber is not the enemy in/under the blanket.

-- Post From My iPhone

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