Lipoabdominoplasty provides an alternative to patients weighing their options between liposuction and abdominoplasty. It combines traditional tummy tuck with aggressive liposuction for a more sculpted, sleek and defined look.Author:
A Aaronson
For patients weighting their options between a tummy tuck or liposuction in the abdominal area, new technology exists to provide the best of both worlds using lipoabdominoplasty.
Lipoabdominoplasty is a revolutionary procedure which combines the traditional abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) procedure with aggressive liposuction to achieve a more sculpted, sleek and defined look in the abdominal area. There are a variety of benefits in choosing lipoabdominoplasty over stand alone liposuction or abdominoplasty procedures.
Lipoabdominoplasty surgery has considerably less complications than traditional liposuction or abdominoplasty alone, including a lower rate of seroma, less postoperative numbness, a shorter scar and quicker recovery due to reduced swelling, bruising and pain. Best of all, the recovery time can be as short as ten days for patients concerned with an absence from work or sitter issues.
This procedure is ideal for those looking to lose weight and tighten the stomach area at the same time. With liposuction alone, fat deposits are permanently removed, but the procedure does not address the issue of loose or hanging skin following dramatic weight loss. Stretch marks may also cover the surgical area, leaving a slimmer, but aesthetically unappealing look to the abs.
The tummy tuck, however, does address the issue of loose skin, but does nothing to remove the layers of fat below the surface. Loose or unappealing skin is simply removed to create a tighter and sleeker look in the stomach area.
Alternatively, lipoabdominoplasty combines the two procedures to remove excess fat using liposuction while tucking and sculpting the abs for a more sleek and toned look. The patient is able to achieve the best of both procedures with minimal complications as detailed above.
The procedure itself is relatively straight forward and starts with aggressive liposuction of the entire abdominal area. The patient will be sedated intravenously and given a local anesthetic solution near the area of incision. Typically two small cuts will be made in the abdominal area to create minimal scarring following lipoabdominoplasty surgery.
After the liposuction is complete, the skin below the umbilicus is removed (similar to a traditional tummy tuck); however, the lymphatic vessels will remain intact to reduce postoperative swelling and pain during the healing process. Next the upper abdominal skin flap is undermined and the rectus muscles are placated. Finally, the surgical site is closed with multiple layers of dissolvable sutures to reduce the occurrence of postoperative scar spreading.
As previously noted, the recovery time can be as little as ten days, as pain and swelling are less dramatic than what accompanies a traditional tummy tuck or liposuction procedure.
Lipoabdominoplasty can also be combined with other procedures such as the liposuction of hips, back and extremities, breast augmentation or facial surgery for those considering a more “complete makeover”.
To find out if lipoabdominoplasty is right for you, consult with a well respected plastic surgeon that has significant experience and training in this area. Future plans and goals (such as anticipated pregnancies, dietary and exercise concerns) should be addressed during the initial consultation to provide the most accurate assessment of your plastic surgery needs.
About Author
Lipoabdominoplasty is a revolutionary new plastic surgery technique that can give you a more sculpted, sleek and defined look. Find a Los Angeles abdominoplasty surgeon with experience in this procedure at Source:
Back pain has many possible causes. Proper diagnosis is important prior to considering tummy tuck surgery to relieve the back pain. It has been our experience that patients with excess volume of skin and fat have found relief after lipoabdominoplasty (liposuction combined with removal of excess skin).